Monday, October 18, 2010


what a slacker! i almost forgot to post a new pic today! yesterday's turned out to be pretty easy i think. both people who left comments got it spot on. someone suggested putting more than one pic at a time because they are enjoying the game and want to have more, so i am going to post 3 today. have fun!


  1. I'm guessing the second pic is carmex (medicated chap stick). The third pic is a tooth brush?

  2. ummm.... I do believe that is cool whip... ummmm... and I agree with Klaus and Sarah on the Carmex... and... ummm... maybe a paintbrush????

  3. top one might be Crisco, middle one Carmex, bottom hair brush bristles.

  4. I must be hungry because I'm seeing buttercream icing and lemon meringue. The third one could be a pastry brush?

  5. I hopped over from Just Breathe...I think the top one is whipped cream and the bottom one is brush bristles. I see most people think the middle one is some sort of lip balm but it almost looks like a cooked pudding of some sort...creme brulee before its bruleed ; )

  6. cool whip..carmex and a paintbrush
    i also hopped over from just breathe!

  7. I see some of my friends came over today. I did a link to you.

  8. well, many of you guessed correctly or closely on these pics. ashley and kerri hit all 3 dead on! cool whip, carmex, and a paintbrush. congrats! thanks debby for the link!
