Tuesday, October 19, 2010


i am so excited to see new faces popping up! keep spreading the word, i am enjoying this project - hopefully everyone else is still enjoying playing! there were some great guesses yesterday, i would have thought the top picture would have been a little harder, but several people guessed it. good luck with today's puzzle!


  1. anybody know anything about posting keywords for this blog? someone told me about it, but i can't figure out how to do it. i am hoping it will bring more followers! :)

  2. Debby at Just Breathe shared your blog with me, so I am now following. Is that first one a corkboard?

  3. The first 2 pics look like a bubbler? I'm probably way off, lol...

  4. I'm not very good at this. Pebbles? Inside a vacuum?

  5. Hi, Debby sent me :)
    I LIKE this game!
    Is the third one a casette tape?

  6. came over by way of Debby's blog; what a cute idea for a blog! I'm thinkign the top picture is from the bottom of a fish tank? second picture, is that any type of bottle opener? clueless on the third one!

    good luck to all who try to solve the puzzles!


  7. too easy!!! pic 1 = Cat Litter Pic 2 = drinking fountain water faucet pic 3 = a video tape? Give us a challenge! heehee! j/k I'm having loads of fun!!! =)Did I get any right???

  8. yes, ashley you got them all right - hmmm... ;) cat litter, a drinking fountain faucet, and a video tape. good job to everyone!

  9. by the way, thanks again to all of you who have decided to follow, i see several of you from debby's blog. welcome!
