Saturday, October 30, 2010


so sorry, i am such a slacker who didn't put up a post yesterday. but honestly, did anyone even really notice (i know of one person.) hope you guys keep coming back. it's only going to be fun for me as long as other people are having fun with it, that was the whole idea of the blog! if i need to make the pictures harder or easier, or there is some suggestion you have for keeping up the interest, let me know! good luck!


  1. dog bone, tortilla chip, no idea. :)

  2. pic 1 = doggie bone pic 2 = a tortilla chip pic 3 = a lid to a thermos?? Ron thinks #3 is the heal of a rollerskate.

  3. it might make them harder if on some you dont show the edges, like the ice cream cone (just taken a pic of the inside and not the edge) and maybe the tortilla chip (only the texture and not the edges that give away the shape) just suggestions that might make it a little more difficult. =)

  4. #1 what I just fed my dog
    #2 what I just ate at the Mexican restaurant
    #3 looks familiar, just can't figure it out...I'm stumped

    I agree with Ashley about not showing the edges. I like the non-food items they seem to be a bit harder

  5. ok, i am going to take the "no edges" suggestion and see if it makes it harder for ya guys! the first pic was a dog milkbone, the second on is a tortilla chip, and the last one (ha i stumped y'all! lol) is the lens cap to my camera!
