Tuesday, October 26, 2010


hope everyone is still enjoying the game. this post is a little late today, but better late then never, right?! how did ya'll do yesterday? i think today's is fairly easy - have fun!


  1. pic 1 = a wrench pic 2 = roasted salted almonds pic 3 = a glass jar???

  2. Wrench - almonds - looks like a piece of glass.
    No I did not read Ashley's answers first.

  3. 1-crescent wrench
    2-almonds (my fave)
    3-shot glass? (by the way shot glasses make good communion cups especially the tall ones...the devil meant it for evil but God meant it for good)

  4. ok, so these were too easy! lol. yep, a wrench, almonds, and actually the last one is a vase, but you guys were all close enough. debby, you make me laugh - making sure i didn't think you cheated! :)
