Thursday, October 28, 2010


new day, new post. i think my pictures are too easy! i have to find some interesting things that are not so common, i think! i'll work on that during the next batch of pics i take next week... for now, keep guessing away at these! i think these 3 are all pretty easy.


  1. #1 my favorite ice cream cone....yum
    #2 ????????????? does it roll? or is it a worn brake shoe?
    #3 some kind of cookie or dough...looks like a good midnight snack (it's midnight and I'm craving something just don't know what though)

  2. Pic 1 = ice cream cone!!! too easy ;-) Pic 2 = I HAVE NO IDEA! Pic 3 = a BANANA!! =)

  3. an ice cream cone, a bike training wheel, and a banana. at least one confused you guys! lol

  4. I got the ice cream cone, not the wheel and the banana was a hard one!
