Saturday, October 23, 2010


well, i hope everyone is not losing interest in the game. i have noticed less views in my stats. i have to get to work today and take some more pictures, because these are the last 3 i have stored in my computer right now! ack! deadline panic! lol i am going to try really hard to get some more really hard stuff going - some of these have been way too easy! on today's post, i think the first 2 pics will be pretty easy. i am thinking the last one might be more difficult just because it's not as common of an item, so some people may not be as familiar with it. good luck!


  1. I'm thinking a stethoscope - looks like a little like bubble wrap - dry beans?

    I know that many people do a thing like, if you read me I will read you.

  2. pic 1 = headphones on one of your blond haired kiddos pic 2 = some type of mesh thingy pic 3 = some type of beans?

  3. the first one is headphones. some type of meshy thing, ashley? i'm sorry i'm gonna have to veto that guess with "not enough information" lol it's a loofah, and the third one is quinoa. (a type of grain stuff if you don't know)

  4. For pic 3 I was gunna guess mung beans like what Creed sprouts in his desk that "smells like death", however, I googled pics of mung beans and they didn't quite look like that. LOL.
